
  1. Introduction
  2. Typographical Conventions
  3. Installation
    1. Compilation
    2. Playing the Sample Games
  4. Playing Interactive Fiction
    1. Moving Around
    2. Manipulating Objects
    3. Interacting with Characters
    4. Meta Commands
  5. Tutorial Game
    1. Language Syntax
    2. Program Structure
    3. Getting Started
    4. Locations
    5. The Player
    6. Some Introductory Text
    7. Objects
    8. Verbs and Functions
    9. Overriding Functions
    10. Doors
    11. Non-player Characters
    12. The Passing of Time
    13. Winning and Losing the Game
  6. Testing, Debugging and Releasing
    1. The WALKTHRU Command
    2. The DEBUG Command
    3. The INSPECT Command
    4. The Verb VALUEOF
    5. The Verb FETCH
    6. Releasing Your Game
  7. Screen Display
    1. The WRITE Command
      1. Special Characters
      2. Printing the Value of Variables
      3. Printing the Value of Item Elements
      4. Printing the Names and descriptions of Objects
      5. Sentences Referring to Varying Objects
      6. Printing the Value of String Constants
    2. The PRINT Command
    3. The LOOK Command
    4. The MORE Command
  8. Glk and Multimedia
    1. Blorb Files and BLC
    2. The IMAGE Command
    3. The SOUND Command
    4. The VOLUME Command
    5. The STOP Command
    6. The TIMER Command
    7. The STYLE Command
    8. The Status Window
    9. The UPDATESTATUS Command
  9. Flow Control
    1. The IF, IFALL, ENDIF and ENDALL Commands
    2. The IFSTRING Command
    3. The IFEXECUTE Command
    4. The ELSE Command
    5. The LOOP and ENDLOOP Commands
    6. The REPEAT and UNTIL Commands
    7. The WHILE and ENDWHILE Commands
    8. The RETURN Command
  10. Changing Data
    1. The SET Command
    2. Type Casting
    3. The SETSTRING and ADDSTRING Commands
    4. The PADSTRING Command
  11. Movement
    1. The MOVE Command
    2. The TRAVEL Command
    3. Moving Non-player Characters
    4. The DIR_TO and NPC_TO Commands
  12. Special-Purpose Commands
    1. The POINTS Command
    2. The PROXY Command
    3. Trigonometry
      1. The POSITION Command
      2. The BEARING Command
      3. The DISTANCE Command
    4. The ASKNUMBER and GETNUMBER Commands
    5. The GETSTRING Command
    6. The GETYESORNO Command
    7. The SAVEGAME and RESTOREGAME Commands
    8. The ENDGAME Command
    9. The TERMINATE Command
    10. The UNDOMOVE Command
  13. Attributes
    1. The ENSURE Command
    2. Object Attributes
    3. Location Attributes
    4. User Attributes
  14. Functions
    1. The EXECUTE and CALL Commands
      1. Passing Arguments to a Function
    2. The function-call count
    3. The RETURN Command
    4. Responding to the Player's Moves
    5. Special Functions
    6. Utility Functions
  15. Creating New Verbs
  16. Pointers
    1. Object Pointers
    2. Location Pointers
  17. Object Resolution
    1. Object Naming
    2. Disambiguation
  18. Definitions in Detail
    1. Objects
    2. Locations
    3. Integer Variables
      1. Internal Integer Variables
    4. String Variables
    5. Arrays
    6. Constants
    7. Synonyms
    8. Filters
    9. Grammar Statements
    10. User Attributes
  19. Internals
    1. Constants and Random
    2. Internal Commands
  20. The Menu Library
  21. Appendix A: JACL Attributes
  22. Appendix B: Library Verb Functions
  23. Appendix C: Tutorial Game Source Code
  24. Glossary