Appendix B: Library Verb Functions

Below is a list of all the functions that are associated with grammar statements in verbs.library. It is not, however, a complete list of all the possible command constructs the player can use. Although each function is only listed here once, in most cases there are many grammar statements mapping to that function. For example, consider the function +cut:

grammar cut *present  >cut
grammar chop *present >cut
grammar stab *present >cut

As you can see, the function cut has three grammar statements that map to it. The list below, however, will only show the first grammar statement that maps to the function. To see all the commands that will cause any one of the below functions to be called, search for the function name in the verbs.library file.

shake *held                             >shake
xyzzy                                   >xyzzy
verbose                                 >verbose
brief                                   >brief
help *present                           >help_other
hint one                                >first_hint
hint two                                >second_hint
hint three                              >third_hint
hint four                               >fourth_hint
help                                    >help
help games                              >help_games
hug *present                            >hug
kiss *present                           >kiss
pick *present with *held                >pick_with
rub *present                            >rub
rub *held on *present                   >rub_on
rub *present with *held                 >rub_with
lick *present                           >lick
pull *present                           >pull
cut *present                            >cut
cut *present with *held                 >cut_with
break *present                          >break
clean *present                          >clean
clean *present with *held               >clean_with
yell at *present                        >yell_at
pay *present                            >pay
order *carried                          >order
knock on *present                       >knock_on
play *present                           >play
take *here with *held                   >take_with
fill *held from *present                >fill_from
fill *held with *present                >fill_with
fill *present                           >fill
stand                                   >stand
lie on *present                         >lie_on
sit                                     >sit
sit on *here                            >sit_on
drop *held                              >drop
take *here                              >take
insert *held on *present                >insert_on
insert *held in *present                >insert_in
ask *present for *carried               >ask_for
tell *present about *carried            >tell_about
ask *present about *carried             >ask_about
give *held to *present                  >give_to
move *present                           >move
read *present                           >read
look down                               >look_down
look up *anywhere in *present           >look_up_in
consult *present about *anywhere        >consult
feel *present                           >feel
smell                                   >smell
smell *present                          >sniff
taste *present                          >taste
look in *present                        >look_in
examine *present                        >examine
i                                       >inventory
inv                                     >list_inventory
sorry                                   >sorry
thanks                                  >thankyou
score                                   >score
open *present                           >open
close *present                          >close
lock *present                           >lock
lock *present with *held                >lock_with
unlock *present                         >unlock
unlock *present with *held              >unlock_with
show *held to *present                  >show_to
untie *present                          >untie
tie *held                               >tie
tie *held to *present                   >tie_to
attack *present                         >attack
attack *present with *held              >attack_with
wave                                    >wave
wave to *present                        >wave_to
jump on *here                           >jump_on
jump over *here                         >jump_over
jump                                    >jump
yes                                     >yes
no                                      >no
why                                     >why?
blow *held at *here                     >blow_at
throw *held at *here                    >throw_at
remove *present from *present           >remove_from
remove *present                         >remove
wear *held                              >wear
talk to *present                        >talk_to
eat *present                            >eat
drink from *present                     >drink_from
drink *present                          >drink
flick *present                          >flick
press *present                          >press
light *present with *held               >light_with
light *present                          >light
extinguish *present                     >extinguish
swim west                               >swim_west
west                                    >west
swim east                               >swim_east
east                                    >east
swim south                              >swim_south
south                                   >south
swim southeast                          >swim_southeast
southeast                               >southeast
swim southwest                          >swim_southwest
southwest                               >southwest
swim north                              >swim_north
north                                   >north
swim northeast                          >swim_northeast
northeast                               >northeast
swim northwest                          >swim_northwest
northwest                               >northwest
climb up *here                          >climb_up
climb down *here                        >climb_down
enter *here                             >enter
climb *here                             >climb
swim in                                 >swim_in
in                                      >in
swim out                                >swim_out
out                                     >out
swim up                                 >swim_up
up                                      >up
swim down                               >swim_down
down                                    >down
look                                    >look_around
look under *present                     >look_under
look behind *present                    >look_behind
look through *present                   >look_through
look through *held at *present          >look_through_at
look at *present through *held          >look_at_through
wait                                    >wait
listen                                  >listen
listen to *present                      >listen_to
use *present                            >use
turn *present                           >turn
turn on *present                        >turn_on
turn off *present                       >turn_off
pour *present                           >pour
tip *present on *present                >pour_on

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